Client | Teton Gravity Research
Year | Summer 2018
Type | UI + Front-End Development
Role | Front-End Development
Shifting Gears
Front-End Development
During my internship at Teton Gravity Research, I worked in a multidisciplinary team made up of editorial, art direction and development. Shifting Gears is a five-part series featuring women pushing hard, hustling and changing the mountain biking industry and the world with bikes. My role in the project was to design + implement the UI onto the TGR platform using HTML, CSS and Javascript.
Design a user interaction and implement front-end development on TGR platform to tell the story of 5 different women who are disrupting the mountain biking industry.
High Fidelity Mock Up
Final Navigation Iteration
Navigation Iteration Two
Navigation Iteration One
The Mechanic Story High Fidelity Mock Up
Mobile Navigation
Mobile Feature Story
Social Media Assets
Home Page Take Over Ads with CTA